Moonfite is a frictionless, yield-generating contract that allows you to seek shelter amidst the chaos of the market


Original Supply

1,000,000,000,000,000 40% Burned

10% Tax on Transactions

5% Distributed to holders + 5% Added to Liquidity

Profit from Holding

We reward holders with a 5% transaction tax which puts $BONFIRE directly into your wallet every time someone buys or sells.

How to Buy $MOONFIRE

Download Metamask or use your existing wallet

Head to and download the wallet to your phone or chrome/firefox browser.

Go to and enter the contract address

Click on the “Select a Currency” button, and enter the $MOONFIRE token contract: 0x5e9xxxxxxx

Swap Away!

Enter the amount you want to buy and swap away! Remember to have enough BNB for gas fees!

Token Info

The Official $MOONFIRE Contract address can be found here:
